Pujya Shankaracharya addresses Adivasi Chiefs in Guwahati

His Holiness addresses Adivasi Chiefs in Guwahati

3 May 2010

Guwahati Adivasi Meet

Guwahati Adivasi Meet
His Holiness seeing a copy of the resolution
Guwahati Adivasi Meet
One of the participants taking notes

During His recent visit to Guwahati, Assam in connection with the Kumbabhishekam of Purva Tirupati Balaji Mandir, His Holiness Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji addressed a convention of Adivasi Chiefs at the Asthana Mandapam in the Balaji Temple. Heads and representatives of different adivasi clans participated in the meeting and interacted with His Holiness and received His Blessings.

Looking at the enthusiastic gathering, His Holiness invited each of the Adivasi heads to speak for a few minutes, highlighting their traditions, customs and ways of worship. He further asked them to spell out their current status and issues faced by each clan.

The adivasi heads introduced themselves and presented the above details. One could observe that their traditions and customs primarily revolved around nature, including worship of Sun and Moon, and that they lead a very simple lifestyle, in sync with nature.

In His address, His Holiness pointed out that it was important to stick to one's dharma and customs. He also highlighted the various social activities taken up by Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam in the North-East for the welfare of the region and invited the Adivasi groups to get benefitted by such initiatives.


After deliberations, a resolution was adopted with one of the points calling for stopping forceful conversions. His Holiness blessed each of the adivasi heads individually and had brief individual interactions with them. Some of them presented the traditional clothes of their clan and His Holiness accepted the same.

Guwahati Adivasi Meet
One of the elderly adivasi heads

Guwahati Adivasi Meet
His Holiness receiving traditional shawl presented by one of the heads

Guwahati Adivasi Meet Guwahati Adivasi Meet
A group photo of the participants with His Holiness